The dialectic in the article research is the presentation of Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ʻArabī Ṣūfī semantics in (Waḥdat al-Wujūd), which forms the core of the dispute between conservatives (Ahl al-Hadith) and Ṣūfī. The statement of the Dialectic directs the render to the importance of the topic, places the issue in a specific context, and specifies relevant criteria, providing the necessary framework for reporting the expected results. The idea of the Waḥdat al-Wujūd did not appear in a complete and consistent theoretical form before Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ʻArabī, some trends though appeared towards this theory from time to time in the sayings of the Sufis who preceded him. Ibn ʻArabī's doctrine of the Waḥdat al-Wujūd is summarized in his denial of the world of appearance and does not recognize the real existence except for God's Creation as a show of true existence. So, according to Ibn ʻArabī, there is only God, and through his doctrine of Waḥdat al-Wujūd, lies Ibn ʻArabī’s understanding of the interdependent relationship between God, the world, and Al-Insān. This research discusses the dialectic of this doctrine through sources and texts that have been misjudged. So, this research article will follow the methodology of analyzing the Sufi texts of Ibn ʻArabī, many subjects by Ibn ʻArabī were discussed. Still, the research will concentrate on (Waḥdat al-Wujūd), because his experience with this subject had a clear influence on the philosophical thought in the whole world and the research deals with Ibn ʻArabī’s doctrine of (Waḥdat al-Wujūd) which means the solitude of existence and the difference between it and the doctrines of Solutions and Union, Through 6 basic elements as follows: The name of the Waḥdat al-Wujūd: (The perfection in the Ṣūfī concept of (Waḥdat al-Wujūd) According to Ibn ʻArabī, "There’s nonexistence but Allah") Then The Dialectic of Ibn Arabi: (The language of Ibn ʻArabī) - (Similarities in Ibn ʻArabī’sbi speech) Then Ibn ʻArabī and symbolic thought Then Texts Ibn ʻArabī's literature on Waḥdat ai-Wujūd Then The Insān al-kāmil and Woman in Ibn ʻArabī’s thought Then after that Results and Discussions that the study reached from the previous elements.
Published in | International Journal of Education, Culture and Society (Volume 9, Issue 5) |
DOI | 10.11648/j.ijecs.20240905.12 |
Page(s) | 227-237 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Ibn ʻArabī, Waḥdat al-Wujūd, Ṣūfī, Insān al-kāmil
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APA Style
Elnakep, M., Musarra, A., Elgeidi, S., Branca, P. (2024). The Ṣūfī Semantics of (Waḥdat al-Wujūd) to Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ʻArabī. International Journal of Education, Culture and Society, 9(5), 227-237.
ACS Style
Elnakep, M.; Musarra, A.; Elgeidi, S.; Branca, P. The Ṣūfī Semantics of (Waḥdat al-Wujūd) to Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ʻArabī. Int. J. Educ. Cult. Soc. 2024, 9(5), 227-237. doi: 10.11648/j.ijecs.20240905.12
AMA Style
Elnakep M, Musarra A, Elgeidi S, Branca P. The Ṣūfī Semantics of (Waḥdat al-Wujūd) to Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ʻArabī. Int J Educ Cult Soc. 2024;9(5):227-237. doi: 10.11648/j.ijecs.20240905.12
@article{10.11648/j.ijecs.20240905.12, author = {Mohamed Elnakep and Antonio Musarra and Shalabi Elgeidi and Paolo Branca}, title = {The Ṣūfī Semantics of (Waḥdat al-Wujūd) to Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ʻArabī }, journal = {International Journal of Education, Culture and Society}, volume = {9}, number = {5}, pages = {227-237}, doi = {10.11648/j.ijecs.20240905.12}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {The dialectic in the article research is the presentation of Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ʻArabī Ṣūfī semantics in (Waḥdat al-Wujūd), which forms the core of the dispute between conservatives (Ahl al-Hadith) and Ṣūfī. The statement of the Dialectic directs the render to the importance of the topic, places the issue in a specific context, and specifies relevant criteria, providing the necessary framework for reporting the expected results. The idea of the Waḥdat al-Wujūd did not appear in a complete and consistent theoretical form before Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ʻArabī, some trends though appeared towards this theory from time to time in the sayings of the Sufis who preceded him. Ibn ʻArabī's doctrine of the Waḥdat al-Wujūd is summarized in his denial of the world of appearance and does not recognize the real existence except for God's Creation as a show of true existence. So, according to Ibn ʻArabī, there is only God, and through his doctrine of Waḥdat al-Wujūd, lies Ibn ʻArabī’s understanding of the interdependent relationship between God, the world, and Al-Insān. This research discusses the dialectic of this doctrine through sources and texts that have been misjudged. So, this research article will follow the methodology of analyzing the Sufi texts of Ibn ʻArabī, many subjects by Ibn ʻArabī were discussed. Still, the research will concentrate on (Waḥdat al-Wujūd), because his experience with this subject had a clear influence on the philosophical thought in the whole world and the research deals with Ibn ʻArabī’s doctrine of (Waḥdat al-Wujūd) which means the solitude of existence and the difference between it and the doctrines of Solutions and Union, Through 6 basic elements as follows: The name of the Waḥdat al-Wujūd: (The perfection in the Ṣūfī concept of (Waḥdat al-Wujūd) According to Ibn ʻArabī, "There’s nonexistence but Allah") Then The Dialectic of Ibn Arabi: (The language of Ibn ʻArabī) - (Similarities in Ibn ʻArabī’sbi speech) Then Ibn ʻArabī and symbolic thought Then Texts Ibn ʻArabī's literature on Waḥdat ai-Wujūd Then The Insān al-kāmil and Woman in Ibn ʻArabī’s thought Then after that Results and Discussions that the study reached from the previous elements. }, year = {2024} }
TY - JOUR T1 - The Ṣūfī Semantics of (Waḥdat al-Wujūd) to Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ʻArabī AU - Mohamed Elnakep AU - Antonio Musarra AU - Shalabi Elgeidi AU - Paolo Branca Y1 - 2024/09/20 PY - 2024 N1 - DO - 10.11648/j.ijecs.20240905.12 T2 - International Journal of Education, Culture and Society JF - International Journal of Education, Culture and Society JO - International Journal of Education, Culture and Society SP - 227 EP - 237 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2575-3363 UR - AB - The dialectic in the article research is the presentation of Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ʻArabī Ṣūfī semantics in (Waḥdat al-Wujūd), which forms the core of the dispute between conservatives (Ahl al-Hadith) and Ṣūfī. The statement of the Dialectic directs the render to the importance of the topic, places the issue in a specific context, and specifies relevant criteria, providing the necessary framework for reporting the expected results. The idea of the Waḥdat al-Wujūd did not appear in a complete and consistent theoretical form before Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ʻArabī, some trends though appeared towards this theory from time to time in the sayings of the Sufis who preceded him. Ibn ʻArabī's doctrine of the Waḥdat al-Wujūd is summarized in his denial of the world of appearance and does not recognize the real existence except for God's Creation as a show of true existence. So, according to Ibn ʻArabī, there is only God, and through his doctrine of Waḥdat al-Wujūd, lies Ibn ʻArabī’s understanding of the interdependent relationship between God, the world, and Al-Insān. This research discusses the dialectic of this doctrine through sources and texts that have been misjudged. So, this research article will follow the methodology of analyzing the Sufi texts of Ibn ʻArabī, many subjects by Ibn ʻArabī were discussed. Still, the research will concentrate on (Waḥdat al-Wujūd), because his experience with this subject had a clear influence on the philosophical thought in the whole world and the research deals with Ibn ʻArabī’s doctrine of (Waḥdat al-Wujūd) which means the solitude of existence and the difference between it and the doctrines of Solutions and Union, Through 6 basic elements as follows: The name of the Waḥdat al-Wujūd: (The perfection in the Ṣūfī concept of (Waḥdat al-Wujūd) According to Ibn ʻArabī, "There’s nonexistence but Allah") Then The Dialectic of Ibn Arabi: (The language of Ibn ʻArabī) - (Similarities in Ibn ʻArabī’sbi speech) Then Ibn ʻArabī and symbolic thought Then Texts Ibn ʻArabī's literature on Waḥdat ai-Wujūd Then The Insān al-kāmil and Woman in Ibn ʻArabī’s thought Then after that Results and Discussions that the study reached from the previous elements. VL - 9 IS - 5 ER -